Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Ocean theme crafts

 Jellyfish:  Colored a coffee filter with marker, then sprayed with water and let dry.  Glued it onto a paper bowl and added googly eyes.  Used yarn, tissue paper and tinsel to hang off of them.

 Read the girls the Rainbow Fish story and then we made our very own rainbow fish.  Tin foil and tissue paper was glued onto a fish template.
Octopus:  Painted paper towel roll blue then after dry, cut the legs, added dots and eyes.

Guess what's inside

 I filled balloons up with cornstarch/water, couscous, sugar, sand, rice and hair gel.  I added the contents in a muffin tin so they could guess which thing was in each balloon.
 Trying to guess which balloon matches up
 Great sensory experiment.  Cornstarch and water in baggies.
After they were done guessing, they wanted to mix everything up.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Paper marbling

Paper Marbling

What you need:
  • Liquid Starch
  • 1 part acrylic paint to parts water (any color)
  • Small bathroom cups
  • Paintbrush
  • Feather
  • Pan or cookie sheet
  • White Paper
  • Newspaper
  • Wax paper or drying rack 
  • Classified Mom's instructions

Ocean Theme links

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas Ocean crafts

Enchanted Learning

Classified Mom

Water and bubbles

Sensory bin play.  Warm water, baby wash for bubbles, wash cloths and baby dolls

Our family

Multi Fish

For our ocean theme, we made multi craft supply fish.  It was an open ended craft that ended up being more creative than I even anticipated.  It was originally supposed to be just made with noodles but the girls took off with it and added their own flair.  I just found the fish template online.  They colored the fish then glued it on paper that they decorated with tissue paper pieces.  Foamies and noodles were also added.